Air Purifiers & Filtration Systems

Why Are Air Purifiers Important?
The average American spends about 90% of their time indoors. Because of this, it’s important to take proactive steps to improve the quality of air in your home. One easy way to protect your family’s health is by having a whole home air purifier installed. A whole home air cleaner purifies the air to eliminate harmful air pollution and contaminants. This is especially important for those living with asthma, allergies, or any other respiratory issues.
Ozone HVAC & Refrigeration offers air filtration installation, repair, and maintenance services in Orlando, FL, and the surrounding areas. Contact us today to discuss our indoor air quality solutions, including the installation of a whole home air purifier.
What are Common Pollutants Indoors?
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that indoor air is 2 to 5 times more contaminated than the air outdoors. You can’t see many of the indoor air pollutants and contaminants because of how small they are – but, unfortunately, they’re there! Here are some of the common pollutants that a central air purification system can filter out:
Mold spores
Pet Dander
Dust mites

How Do Air Purifiers Work?
Unlike portable air filters that can be used to purify the air in a single room, whole home air purifiers are connected directly to your home’s HVAC system or ductwork.
These systems are highly effective at filtering out tiny airborne particles that your HVAC air filter cannot. An air filtration system uses a UV light system to eliminate bacteria and viruses that circulate in the indoor air within your home or business. They are captured or eliminated before they can pollute your home’s air supply.
Aside from the obvious health benefits, a whole home air purification system will also save you money compared to buying and running several portable air filters around your home. They also improve the condition of your HVAC system by preventing contaminants from building up on equipment and in the ductwork.
Signs You Need An Air Purifier
If you’re still deciding whether you need an air filtration system, answer these questions:
Is Your Home Dusty?
If you can see dust and debris coming from your vents, that’s an obvious sign of poor indoor air quality, and you should consider calling the HVAC technicians at Star Heating & Cooling to discuss indoor air quality options.
Is There A Smell in the Air?
A smell coming from your ductwork is never a good sign. Some common contaminants that can produce a foul smell include bacteria, mildew, and mold. If any of these harmful contaminants are in your home, call an HVAC repair company as soon as possible.
Is Your Home’s Air Stale?
If the air seems stuffy or stale, then your indoor air quality could be compromised. An air purification system can help.
Do Family Members Have Health Issues or Allergies?
It’s estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from asthma and another 50 million cope with allergy symptoms. Whole-house air purifiers can work to eliminate pollen and other irritants that can lead to allergy and asthma symptoms. Family members who suffer from emphysema and COPD can also benefit from clean air.
Ozone provides air filtration services in Orlando, FL, and the surrounding areas. We offer assistance with everything your whole home air purifier needs to perform optimally, including installation, repair, and maintenance. For more information on how an air purification system can benefit your home or to schedule air filtration services, contact us today!